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  • Darley Moor Duathlon : Race 227 August 2017
  • Mid Sussex Triathlon Club Trifest - Middle Distance Race27 August 2017
  • Mid Sussex Triathlon Club Trifest - Sprint Race27 August 2017
  • Mid Sussex Triathlon Club Trifest - Standard Race27 August 2017
  • West Lancashire Summer Triathlon - Sprint Distance27 August 2017
  • The Wirral Triathlon - The Wirral Triathlon27 August 2017
  • Ely Sprint Triathlon and Kids Aquathlon - Ely Sprint Triathlon27 August 2017
  • Ely Sprint Triathlon and Kids Aquathlon - Ely Kids Aquathlon TriStars 1 (11-12 yrs)27 August 2017

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