Created On: 29 November 2011

Quick Energy has received scientific backing from the University of Coventry as it continues to make waves in the triathlon community. As darkness greets us in the mornings and the gloomy chilly evenings set in earlier every day, most athletes will acknowledge the challenge to get out and train. Let Quick Energy give you that boost this winter.  

The energy supplement provides an unrivalled six hours of crash free energy, supplying your body with essential amino acids, B-vitamins and antioxidants.

QE Bottle - in article

Ideal at any time as a pick-me-up, Quick Energy answers this call with no sugar and a mere five calories per shot.

Quick Energy has been endorsed as a superior sports supplement by Dr Mike Duncan from the Department of Sport Science at the University of Coventry.

In a study of trained athletes to analyse the impact of Quick Energy on athletic performance enhancement, every athlete commented that they began to feel Quick Energy's effect within 15 minutes.

Two other studies undertaken at the university showed that Quick Energy reduces exercise-induced muscle pain and reduces perceived exertion.

With each serving only comprising of as much caffeine as a small cup of coffee, Quick Energy is a healthy alternative being used by athletes in endurance sports like cycling and running.

The no sugar effect of the formula prevents the up and down feeling of traditional energy drinks. This is crucial for long distance riders, as the supplement makes them feel as good one or two hours into a race as they do when it starts.

It is also an ideal pre-workout supplement for triathletes, stimulating focus, concentration and the physical energy needed to train.

In essence, Quick Energy is an energy supplement designed for the serious competitor. Its blend of B-vitamins and amino acids make it work in a way that is different to any other energy product that uses sugar as its base.

This product is suitable for any person needing a high quality energy surge. Quick Energy comes in two flavours: Orange and Lime. It retails at £1.99 for a 59ml shot.

Why Quick Energy Works 

  • For peak mental and muscle function your body is dependent upon B-Vitamins and Amino Acids that can only be obtained through your diet.
  • Quick Energy™ provides these compounds in ideal amounts to charge you for optimal mental and physical performance.
  • There is no sugar, so there is no insulin-spike and "crash" later. Just the endurance of energy releasing B-Vitamins and focus stimulating Amino Acids.
  • Quick Energy™ also contains caffeine approximately equivalent to a small cup of premium coffee to provide you with an instant mental perk and a physical energy boost.
  • Quick Energy™ is an "Energy Supplement", designed to be taken when you need it most to provide energy, focus and endurance.

Tags: news,training,products


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